Undies  For all

All current donations are dedicated to the displaced People of Lebanon

wishwear donates unworn undies to the less fortunate

wishwear launches its brand
for every pair you buy, we donate a pair

We now manufacture our own socks, which not only helps us keep feet warm and healthy, but also create job opportunities!
Buy your wishwear socks now

"We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give."

- Winston Churchill

In 2023, we donated 2,800  pairs of  socks
In 2022, we donated 3,003 pairs of socks

Ways to Donate

Platinum Sponsor DARBUKA

DARBUKA is a people and technology company creating job opportunities in regions in the world where highly skilled talents are under or unemployed. 

DARBUKA focuses providing highly skilled developers and certified system administrators to its technology partners throughout the world,